LGBTQ+ rights help countries attract skilled labor according to new WSU research


PULLMAN, Wash. – Marriage equality and civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ people help nations attract and retain skilled labor emigrating from other counties according to a new study by Washington State University (WSU) economists.

The study analyzed two decades of HB1 visas, which are reserved for workers with advanced skills or degrees applying to live in the United States.

Researchers found that from 2000 to 2019, as European Union counties legalized gay marriage, the US saw a 21% average drop in new HB1 visa applications from that member state. It also found that maintaining inclusive policies helps the US retain skilled workers.

“What we see is, after legalizing same sex marriage in European counties, the inflow of European skilled workers into the US drops down,” PhD candidate Koroles Awad said.

The paper was coauthored by Awad and Economics professor Jill McCluskey and published by the American Economic Association in May.

Democrats and Republicans heading into the 2024 presidential election. While the issue is often framed as a human rights or ethics debate, the WSU highlights the economic component of civil rights debates.

While a backlash against LGBTQ+ rights has grown in both Europe and in the past half-decade, the WSU paper shows that more inclusive policies can have tangible economic benefits.

“If you want your country to be more attractive to skilled workers, it’s better to make it more inclusive,” Awad said.


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