Locals battle heat at Cheney Parade and Rodeo


CHENEY, Wash., – The Cheney parade and rodeo on Saturday saw temperatures reach the upper nineties, but people prepared themselves for the temperatures and did all they could to dodge the sun.

The parade kicked off around 10:30 a.m. and people were lining the streets with fans, umbrellas, and misters to keep themselves cool during the event.

The Cheney rodeo started at 7 p.m. and the weather was cooler by then, and Justin Monter, Chairman of the Board for the Cheney Rodeo said that this heat is not anything out of the ordinary for the animals.

“They sit in the open range sitting out in the open sun anyway, so they are used to it. A lot of the animals are bred for it also, like our roping steers,” Monter said.

The animals have standards that have to be met for their living conditions while they are at the rodeo, and Monter added that they are treated extremely well.

“The vets check the animals everyday, and the judges check every animal, so if there is something wrong, they get taken back home, and healed up, and we go from there,” Monter said.

One change this year due to the weather was animals traveling from Montana arrived a day late to miss Wednesday’s heat, and be more comfortable when they got here.

The rodeo continues sunday and tickets can be found here.


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