Mayor Brown pursues new plan for Compassionate Addiction Treatment asking for ‘constructive solutions’


SPOKANE, Wash. – The Spokane Mayor released a statement on why the city will not be purchasing the property sought to relocate the Compassionate Addiction Treatment.

This comes after the city stated they intended to and that public dollars would pay for it.

The Brown Administration retracked their initial plan stating they now will use the $1.8 million funding dollars for contractual services for implementation of its new scattered site shelter model.

“Every day, I hear calls for increased services and treatment options for members of our community who struggle with addiction. I have been clear in my intent to have the city be a partner to the providers offering these services, while simultaneously de-congregating services off the Division St corridor.” Mayor Brown said.

The plans of the city have been

Brown responded to the critics in her release of her new plan saying, “I call on those critics to come to the table and propose constructive solutions, rather than merely pointing out flaws”.


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