Mayor Lisa Brown proposes shift in budget process


SPOKANE, Wash. – Spokane Mayor Lisa Brown has announced a proposal that would move budget processes to a biennial rather than the current annual process.

The City of Spokane currently manages its budget on a yearly basis, which Chief Financial Officer Matt Boston and Mayor Brown argue against.

“Biennial budgets allow for better decision making and provides greater financial accountability, which will help restore fiscal stability and achieve long-term financial sustainability,” Boston said.

Brown provided details into why biennial budgets would benefit the City of Spokane:

Long-term planning and improved opportunity to strategically allocate resources over a two-year period, as well as increased stability to manage economic fluctuationsImproved resource management through staff and administrative efficiency Increased transparency and accountability to enhance community engagement

Councilmember Michael Cathcart supported the proposal after he said he had suggested earlier in 2024 to the Brown administration.

“This is something I’ve been pushing for throughout my term,” Cathcart said. “(A biennial budget process) puts an emphasis on long term sustainability, instead of one year, you have to balance the budget for two years.”

The shift is allowed under the Washington State’s Municipal Biennial Budget Act and would set to begin January of 2025 if passed by the Spokane City Council.


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