Mental Health Is Robbing Half of Americans of Their Time


According to a GeneSight Mental Health Monitor survey, 44% of Americans acknowledge that poor mental health has robbed them of precious time. Unfortunately, the numbers get even more drastic when you dive deeper. When looking specifically at the effects of anxiety and depression, nearly 80% of individuals diagnosed with these conditions report losing years or even decades of their lives due to mental health challenges.

Mental health struggles enact profound repercussions on individuals’ daily experiences and overall well-being. It can be hard to quantify or put a price tag on the cost of mental health struggles, including lost time, money, and quality of life. Yet, it’s clear that the impact is immense.

How Mental Health Affects Quality of Life

The toll of mental health issues is not merely temporal; it extends its reach to crucial life events and moments of joy. 71% of respondents express how their mental health hindered them from being fully present at important gatherings. Some respondents report calling off events, including wedding days, due to unmanageable anxiety.

An overwhelming 78% lament that poor mental health prevented them from relishing in fun and enjoyment over the past year. That spikes to 82% for individuals diagnosed with anxiety or depression. From holidays and vacations to day-to-day activities, this can make life feel like an endless cycle of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential.

Stuck in a Cycle of Continuous Guilt

The emotional aftermath of missed life events due to mental health challenges leaves individuals grappling with negative feelings, like a deep sense of loss and disappointment. This regret fuels the fire, exacerbating guilt as well as anxiety and depression.

This vicious cycle of missed opportunities and decreased quality of life further impacts mental health. The frustration and guilt of being unable to participate fully in life can lead to a sense of hopelessness. Those impacted are left wondering what they can do to break this cycle and reclaim lost time.

How To Fight Back and Regain Lost Time

For individuals dealing with mental health issues, daily struggles can make time feel as if it’s standing still. Sufferers lack a clear path toward regaining lost moments and experiences. To regain control of one’s life and feel hopeful about the future, it’s essential to seek adequate support and resources.

Many evidence-based treatment options can help individuals manage their mental health and regain a feeling of control over their time. Treatment options include cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, prescription medication, and support groups. Pharmacogenomic tests like GeneSight provide a targeted, personalized approach to mental health care by using an individual’s genetic makeup to determine the most effective treatments.

Addressing barriers to receiving care ensures that individuals can access the help they need. Systemic and socioeconomic factors like insurance coverage, access to transportation, and stigmatization can all impede an individual’s ability to seek treatment.

Finally, individuals who struggle with mental health must prioritize self-care practices such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and good sleep habits. Building new habits can challenge those dealing with mental health issues, but gradually incorporating small changes can help manage symptoms and regain lost time.

The Importance of Addressing Mental Health

Untreated mental health conditions lead to decreased productivity, lost wages, strained relationships, and even physical health issues. Even formal treatment, like prescription medication regimens, may lead to lengthy trial-and-error processes. It can take months, even years, to find the right approach to managing mental health struggles effectively.

Increasing awareness and understanding of mental health struggles helps to reduce stigma and promote open conversations about seeking much-needed help. This creates a more supportive and empowering environment for individuals to take control of their mental health and regain lost time.

Regaining Control

Unfortunately, humans can’t regain lost memories or time. The best time for someone to start taking back their time is now. Thankfully, by addressing mental health challenges and seeking appropriate support, individuals can work toward a more fulfilling and present future. It’s never too late to start on the path toward better mental wellness.


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