Nearly 100 black cats discovered in abandoned house


By Keely Greenwood via SWNS

Nearly 100 cats including newborn kittens have been found in an abandoned home.

Volunteers at Safe Haven Rescue UK received a call reporting roughly 20 strays which had been left behind by a tenant.

But when the team travelled to the empty property on the outskirts of Dartford in Kent they were stunned to find around 100.

Worker Elise Bradley said: “All we could see surrounding us everywhere was black cats.

“I was just in complete shock at the number that had all been abandoned.

“Running a rescue you see strays and animals left all the time, but this is a first at this amount.

“After the initial shock, it quickly turned to panic as I wondered how we could help all of these cats.”

Using “lots of cat food”, the team successfully caught 53 cats – including 25 kittens under six weeks old.

They are currently being cared for at the Safe Haven premises near Sevenoaks, where volunteers discovered that five are pregnant.

One cat has already given birth to four healthy kittens.

Volunteers estimate that there are 40 more cats still at the house which need help – but sadly, they are having to wait to rescue them until they have more space at the center.

Elise explained: “We estimate there are 40 cats left to catch, which we are sure will include more pregnant females.”

In the meantime, the not-for-profit organization is calling on other rescue centers to help house the remaining cats – and trying to encourage people to rehome the cats they have.

It is proving difficult though as all the moggies are black, which are traditionally the hardest to find homes for.

Elise said: “We already have black cats struggling to find homes.”

Safe Haven is also looking for donations as they are having to pay for treatment for the animals.

“We will need to pay for flea and worm treatment for more than 60 cats and vaccines and microchips and any other veterinary treatment they may need so we need as much financial support as possible,” Elise said.

She also thanked those who had already come forward to foster some of the cats – as well as those who have dropped off cat food and litter.

Anyone interested in fostering a pair of kittens or an adult cat is asked to email

Anyone interested in adopting a pair of kittens or an adult cat is asked to email the same address to get an application form.


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