New data shows Panhandle Health District has not administered over 58% of vaccine doses


New numbers from the Idaho Department of Health shows that the Panhandle Health District has not administered over 58% of their current COVID-19 doses.

According to the new data, the Panhandle Health District has 16,192 total doses but has only administered 6,734 of them, around 41.5%.

The data from the Idaho Department of Health is separated by health district region and by provider. There are 22 vaccine providers in the Panhandle region.

The Panhandle as a region has received 36,725 total doses with 70% of the vaccines administered.

In comparison, while the Panhandle Health District has administered 41.5% of doses, Kootenai Health has administered 93% of their allocated doses.

KHQ has reached out to the Panhandle Health District about why they have not administered more doses.


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