New Facility For Mental Health Opens as Suicide Attempt Calls Rise at the Monroe St. Bridge

2020-10-16 New Facility For Mental Health Opens as Suicide Attempt Calls Rise at the Monroe St Bridge FOX 28 Spo[...]

The Monroe St. Bridge is a Spokane icon but it is also known locally for its darker history.

An increase in calls over the last few weeks to the Monroe St. Bridge for suicide attempts has placed a spotlight on the growing mental health crisis in the Spokane community.

Statistics on the Monroe St. Bridge, including the fact that no attempts were made to jump from it last year vs. previous years, how many attempts were made in the last few weeks and new details about the new Mental Health Stabilization facility are covered in this quick video.

If you or someone you know is in crisis mode and needs help, call this number which is also available in the video.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255