Nonbinary Parents Day celebrates LGBTQ+ families


OLYMPIA, Wash. – April 21 is Nonbinary Parents Day according to the Washington State LGBTQ Commission.

A 2020 study by the UCLA School of Law Williams Institute found that 19% of transgender adults in the United States are parents. One third of transgender parents identify as nonbinary.

There are over 150,000 nonbinary parents in the United States according to a 2022 study by a University of Oklahoma sociologist.

Nonbinary identities have been recognized by the State of Washington since 2018 when the WA Department of Health created a new “X” designation for gender identification on birth certificates.

“Consistent documents help residents of all genders access the public services they need, and it may reduce the risk of violence, discrimination, and harassment,” the Washington Health Care Authority’s website states.

The Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation was awarded $75,000 to launch an LGBTQ+ historical preservation project in February. It is not clear whether the new historical resource will include the testimonies of nonbinary parents from the Evergreen State.


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