Oregon’s Governor Kotek declares a State Emergency for extreme heat


Salem, Ore.- The state of Oregon reports high temperatures, prompting government officials to declare a State of Emergency that will likely extend through next Tuesday.

According to Governor Tina Kotek, the declaration aims to “Strengthen our preparedness and response, not only this year but for the years to come.” Kotek says the state will work to ensure more people have access to air conditioning, that electrical grids are resilient, and that residents have green spaces that provide relief.

Kotek elaborates on the state’s aim to shield those most vulnerable to extreme heat: Children, the elderly, outdoor laborers, and those with disabilities. She explains, “In the interest of safety and human life over the next several days, I am declaring an emergency due to extreme heat. Both the record-breaking temperatures and the duration of heat present a clear and present danger.”

The Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM) will lead the effort, coordinate state resources, manage state agencies, and take protective measures to ensure a proficient statewide response. The Oregon Department of Human Services, Oregon Health Authority, Oregon State Police, and Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) will support the effort.

Oregon residents are encouraged to stay hydrated, conserve energy to avoid overwhelming energy grids, and practice extreme caution to prevent human-caused wildfires.

For information about cooling centers, click here. To receive emergency notifications, click here.


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