Organizations partner with Fairchild to end hunger in the pacific northwest


SPOKANE, Wash. – Fairchild Food Pantry will be teaming up with multiple hunger relief organizations in the fight to end hunger for military families in Spokane.

As a small volunteer run operation, the pantry relies on support from the community to function.

The recent wildfires in eastern Washington during the summer, led to a demand for food, which also increased pressure for finances and inventory.

That didn’t stop Sara Jamo, an Airforce spouse who leads the pantry.

“Our people are on a mission, the food pantry is something that we don’t want to need, but because there is a need we are supporting our airmen and families,” Jamo said.

Instacart is one of the businesses rallying to help keep the pantry alive and full. They will be donating $15,000 to support the efforts of the pantry. The donation includes support from Raytheon Technologies and a partnership between the Seattle Seahawks and Delta Airlines.


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