Pinterest:Impossible – Getting Crazy with the Waffle Iron


pinterestimpossiblelogonobackground-300x75TheFather enjoys liking and sharing recipes on Facebook. It’s one of his things I guess. And oftentimes he’ll mention me in a comment on them, which I assume means he wants me to try making them sometime. I don’t always pay attention to these recipe posts BUT this week he shared a video of cooking ‘hacks’ with seven recipes to make using a waffle iron – but none of them were waffles.

Okey dokey, challenge accepted. This sounded fun and possibly challenging and I found the full video pinned on Pinterest so it could count toward this blog series. Before I even started cooking this was kind of a WIN!

The dishes shown in the video included potatoes, biscuits, brownies, cinnamon rolls, quesadillas, omelets, and breakfast sandwiches. I chose to make four of the items – potatoes, biscuits, omelets, and cinnamon rolls. I’m already pretty savvy with making quesadillas in my George Foreman grill, I didn’t need both brownies and cinnamon rolls (shocker, I know), and the breakfast sandwiches were just combinations of the omelets and biscuits so didn’t seem necessary to focus on.

The potatoes were made up first, as they had the longest cooking time (10 minutes). I used frozen tater rounds which were placed in a layer along the bottom waffle plate. They turned out really well; nice and crisp on the outside and still a bit soft on the inside. I ate mine with some honey mustard, because I have a honey mustard problem and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

The biscuits went next. I used Grands Homestyle Original refrigerated biscuits and cooked up four at a time for around three minutes. Things got a little exciting when the biscuits poofed up during cooking. I don’t know if this was because of the biscuits themselves or the waffle iron I was using. I ended up flipping them over at one point so the fluffier biscuits would get flattened out a bit. All poofiness aside, they tasted just fine when they were done cooking, though I’ll admit it was a little strange to eat something that looked like a Belgian waffle but tasted like a Grands biscuit.


Omelets were done next as I knew they were more likely to be messy than the previous items. They included eggs, Colby Jack cheese, parmesan cheese, diced ham, bacon bits, green pepper, and onion (my normal omelet fillings aside from the bacon bits). The egg mixture was ladled carefully onto the bottom waffle plate and then I spread out the fillings a bit so the omelet didn’t just have one big bite of meat and veggies. Things got messy when the egg started to cook and flowed out over the edge of the waffle iron a bit. I’m not sure if that happened because the waffle iron wasn’t perfectly even or just because eggs like to escape things. It was also a bit of an ordeal getting the cooked omelet (three minutes cooking time) out of the waffle iron. Using a spatula didn’t really work as the egg had cooked down in the grid lines on the plate. I ended up having to use two spatulas and a lot of strange maneuvering to get the eggs out, but I managed it with minimal damage to the omelet.

Last but not least I made the cinnamon rolls. I used orange sweet rolls because they are the best sweet rolls in the history of ever. They cooked up much like the biscuits, though I only placed three on at a time. After three minutes they were cooked all the way through and hot and ready to be iced. In the video the icing was drizzled on them but I went ahead and spread the icing on top, making sure to fill in all the little squares with the sugary topping. And while they may not have looked at all like cinnamon rolls (and in fact looked so much like the biscuits I almost ended up icing the wrong things) they sure tasted like an orange sweet roll. I had more than one. I was allowed, as I did all the cooking.

I definitely have to call this week’s Pinterest:Impossible a big ol’ WIN. Everything tasted great, nothing caught on fire, the mess was kept to a minimum AND it was fun to cook so many different things in the waffle iron. PLUS orange sweet rolls were involved. Things can never go too wrong when orange sweet rolls are involved.



SOURCE – 7 Awesome Waffle Iron Recipes