Planned Parenthood Alliance endorses Bob Ferguson, Chris Reykdal


SPOKANE, Wash. – Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates (PPAA) published its endorsements list last week, including gubernatorial candidate Bob Ferguson and Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal.

The PPAA, which represents Planned Parenthood in civic matters along the west coast, endorsed current Attorney General Ferguson (D) for governor and Reykdal for reelection to his current office.

“We support state and local candidates who consistently take responsible positions on reproductive health care, including abortion, birth control and sex education,” PPAA said.

Notably, not a single politician representing Spokane was included in the list of nearly 50 endorsements. Less surprisingly, no Republicans were on the list either.

Ferguson has touted his support of reproductive healthcare throughout his campaign and frequently refers to his opponent Dave Reichert (R) as “anti-choice Republican Dave Reichert.”

The Washington Democratic Party has focused messaging efforts on healthcare access ahead of the 2024 general election as polling suggests it could be a winning issue for the party.


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