Schweitzer CEO reflects on tough winter season, outlines future plans


SANDPOINT, Idaho—Schweitzer’s President and CEO, Tom Chasse, discussed and reflected on this year’s ski season’s ups and downs.

According to Chasse, this past season proved to be the toughest since his arrival in 2006, largely due to adverse weather conditions , delayed events and trails such as the Outback Bowl.

Chasse mentioned that he and his team initially feared they wouldn’t make it to the planned end of the season, but fortunately, more snowfall during March enabled them to salvage the season.

“This past winter season mirrored the hardships of 2014/2015, a period that marked a low point in our efforts to fund capital projects. Plans for Sky House during the 2015 summer season were deferred due to financial constraints,” said Chasse.

Plans for the Schweitzer Creek Village project were also delayed due to weather conditions. Although significant progress has been made, Chasse stated that the road and parking lot would not be completed until next year.

Schweitzer intends to order a new grooming snowcat and invest in vehicle upgrades, carpet replacements, and various behind-the-scenes improvements. Additionally, they will enhance the mountain community, and the Utility Company will make significant investments in sewer and water systems.

“As with any business, we’re adapting to current market conditions, changing weather patterns, and evolving consumer needs while maintaining fiscal responsibility. We’re immensely grateful for your ongoing support and confidence in our operation. Together, we’ll navigate through last winter’s challenges as we eagerly await an abundance of fresh snow come November,” Chasse stated.


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