Spokane area residents report unexplained drones, echoing East Coast concerns


SPOKANE, Wash. – Public officials in the New York metropolitan area are seeking answers about drones seen over New York and New Jersey skies. In recent weeks, there have been more than 3,000 reports of sightings sent into the FBI.

People in other regions have also reported seeing similar drones and unexplainable lights in the sky. J.J. Pride, a Spokane resident, has watched a bright light over the Spokane International Airport for several days in a row.

He noticed the light before the outpour of reports from the east coast.

“It’s not a star, it’s not the moon. Obviously.” Pride said. “You see airplanes taking off from there all the time, and you can see them change in elevation. You see the green and the red lights.”

A woman in Cheney sent NonStop Local a video of what appeared to be an airplane, but she says it moved like a helicopter or drone. She chose to remain anonymous.

NonStop Local reached out to the FAA to inquire about local airspace activity. The local office reported no unusual activity over the last 24 hours, and the national office stated that several high-profile sightings in the East have been identified as regular airplanes.


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