Spokane artist hand paints 2024 Hoopfest poster, creates birds-eye view of the action


SPOKANE, Wash. – Local artist Jesse Pierpoint is the Spokanite behind the artwork of the 2024 Hoopfest poster, capturing the essence of the world’s largest three-on-three basketball tournament.

“I’ve watched and enjoyed seeing them come out year to year, so being a part of it was really cool,” Jesse Pierpoint said.

Poster by poster, Hooptown U.S.A calls out to the thousands upon thousands of people who enjoy Hoopfest every single year. All the way back to 1990 to 2024, tradition has never died. This year, Hoopfest called local artist Jesse Pierpoint, who has called the Lilac City home since 2001.

“I’ve been painting and drawing since I was a little kid, so yeah, I just love to create,” he said.

Wanting to truly capture the energy and bond of Hoopfest, the event’s executive director Riley Stockton said Pierpoint was a perfect choice.

“Having a local artist like Jesse that understands Hoopfest and understands kind of the feel of being downtown, I think he was able to create something really special,” Hoopfest Executive Director Riley Stockton said.

In years past, the Hoopfest posters revolved more around graphic design, always unique in their own ways; however, the 2024 poster was hand-painted in an artist’s home, Pierpoint creating an original snapshot of a very clear memory for thousands across the Inland Northwest, and the world.

“Trying to come up with a visual that encompasses the idea, the feeling, and the scale of the event,” Pierpoint said. “It was kind of a tricky project, but I think we came up with something fun from a birds-eye view.”

And in just days, the tradition on the ground will continue, with team registration numbers up from last year.

“With 500 more teams this year, it’ll be nice to see these streets full in about six days,” Stockton said.

Hoopfest is an unbeatable time in Spokane. This year, it’s extra special for the man holding the paintbrush.

“Really meaningful just living in the city so long, to do something fun like this is always great,” Pierpoint said. “I love sports, love art, to combine them both is key.”

Hoopfest brackets will come out by Wednesday at five p.m., and most of the fun will kick off on Thursday. NonStop Local KHQ will bring you live coverage throughout the exciting and busy weekend.


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