Spokane City Council approves funds to revitalize downtown


SPOKANE, Wash. – The Spokane City Council has unanimously voted to approve nearly half a million dollars in federal funds for the Downtown Spokane Partnership (DSP).

The funds aim to enhance downtown’s cleanliness. With this allocation, DSP plans to expand its Clean Team and Downtown Ambassador Program, improve downtown alleyways, and conduct a downtown housing study.

DSP President Emilie Cameron emphasized the importance of these initiatives.

“It’s critical when we talk about what is the DSP‘s mission is about creating and fostering economic vitality within downtown Spokane because it’s the heart of our region,” said Cameron.

More than $253,000 will go towards cleanup efforts, including the Clean Team and Ambassador Services. Additionally, $166,000 will be used for alley activation, and $50,000 will facilitate a downtown housing study.

The funding comes from an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fund allocated in June.

Cameron highlighted the priority of making downtown Spokane an exciting place to visit.

“It’s in an effort to make sure that our downtown is the best it can be. We’re going to work day and night, and I’m really excited that our community is excited for the future of downtown and we know we can do great things,” she said.

Spokane residents have long expressed concerns about the condition of downtown streets, noting that their messy state detracts from the area’s appeal.

One resident remarked, “It’s made a lot of people afraid to come down.”

City Council’s decision comes at a pivotal time as several downtown businesses have recently announced their closures, sparking discussions about the need for revitalization.

The new funding is a step towards addressing these concerns and boosting the downtown area. Spokane locals are optimistic about the changes.

“I think it’s getting better,” said a Spokane resident.

At the city council meeting, Councilmember Michael Cathcart expressed gratitude for the funding but cautioned that it is “only a drop in the bucket” compared to what is necessary to fully revitalize downtown Spokane.

This move by the city council signals a commitment to improving the downtown area and fostering a vibrant community space.


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