Spokane City Council passes gun safety ordinance


SPOKANE, Wash. – A gun safety ordinance making it illegal to fire a gun within city limits and barring guns from municipal buildings passed Spokane City Council Monday.

was cosponsored by Council Members Paul Dillon and Kitty Klitzke and passed 5-2 with Jonathan Bingle and Michael Cathcart dissenting.

State law already bans carrying guns in buildings associated with policymaking, and the new ordinance does not apply to those with concealed carry licenses.

It functionally reaffirms existing state law in municipal code while ensuring that firing a weapon in the city in a matter unrelated to law enforcement is unlawful.

If a gun is being carried unlawfully within a municipal building, the Spokane Police Department will be allowed to retain the gun for police use or destroy it, unless it is an antique, at which point it will be disposed of via auction according to the July 8 city council agenda.


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