Spokane County Fire District 4 levy on track to pass based on early ballot numbers


SPOKANE, Wash. – A levy allowing Spokane County Fire District 4 (SCFD 4) to hire more emergency responders appeared to pass Tuesday night.

SCFD 4 plans to use the funding to replace a fire engine and hire more emergency responders as

The property tax levy will be restored to its regular level of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value next year. Before it passed, SCFD 4 urged voters to support the measure to maintain quality emergency services in north Spokane County.

“Restoring the levy collection amount is a necessary step to maintain goals for service, staffing, equipment, and facilities in light of rising costs, population growth, and demand for service,” the district said in the county voter’s pamphlet.

Now that the measure has passed, the 40,000 people served by SCFD 4 will fund improvements to emergency services in their area when the levy is implemented in 2025.


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