Spokane County Republican Party responds to Trump vs. Biden debate


SPOKANE, Wash. – President Joe Biden sparred with former President Donald Trump on the debate stage Thursday. The Spokane County Republican Party took a victory lap at the end of the night, saying that Trump offered a dominant performance.

“The outcome of the debate was no surprise to the Republican Party. President Donald Trump once again demonstrated why he is the most exceptional candidate for our great nation,” Vice Chair Lyle Dach said.

The party emphasized Trump’s mental acuity amidst concerns that Biden’s age makes him unfit for a second term.

“His performance in the debate was very strong, leaving no doubt that he was the clear winner,” Dach said.

Polling seems to echo the point made by Spokane Republican leadership, with initial results showing the majority of voters favoring what Trump had to offer and reports that Democrats are scrambling to address Biden’s verbal flubs.

Trump emphasized immigration issues and Biden’s age during the debate, both of which are issues where the Republican candidate has strong polling.

Trump also took an undemocratic stand on elections, refusing offer a straight answer as to whether he would accept the election results if he lost.

Spokane Republicans argued that the former president’s answers to moderator questions were superior and that voters would send Trump back to the White House in November.

“We firmly believe that President Trump will…secure a resounding win in the November Presidential election with a significant margin,” Dach said.

Biden and Trump have agreed to appear for a second debate in September. Whether that match-up will actually occur depends on whether each candidate agrees to the same terms for the debate and whether both men remain in the race given poor reception to Biden’s performance.


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