Spokane County Sheriff’s Office joins Operation Dry Water for a safe boating season


SPOKANE, Wash. — Summer is here and as July 4 approaches, the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) announced their participation is “Operation Dry Water” to keep boaters from boating under the influence.

SCSO partnered with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and the U.S. Coast Guard to participate in Operation Dry Water.

Operation Dry Water is a year-round campaign to raise awareness of boating under the influence. The goal is to reduce the number of alcohol—and drug-related incidents and fatalities. Participating law enforcement agencies will educate boaters on safe boating while emphasizing DUI patrols on the water.

“The priority during this holiday weekend is to provide boaters with a safe and enjoyable experience by removing dangerous and impaired boaters from the waterways,” SCSO said.

According to SCSO, alcohol is the leading factor in recreational boating deaths. Leading up to July 4, SCSO will work to increase the dangers of boating under the influence.

“Whether you’re at the helm of the vessel or a passenger on board, boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs is equally dangerous.3 Operating a vessel while impaired is illegal on all bodies of water and can lead to serious injuries, death, and legal consequences,” SCSO said.

Visit the Operation Dry Boating website for more information about boating under the influence.


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