Spokane deputies arrests domestic violence suspect after car alert in Otis Orchards


SPOKANE, Wash – Spokane County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a suspect for violating domestic violence orders.

On July 21, around noon, the Spokane County Sheriff’s deputies were called in after an alert came in of a suspicious car traveling in Otis Orchards near the state line.

Deputies said dispatchers were advised that probable cause had been established for the arrest of the registered owner of the car, a black 2005 Chevy Colorado. They also stated that the registered owner, the suspect, previously told Deputies that “he is not going back to jail, and it will end in a gunfight” if he was contacted.

SCSO said they continued searching for the car but could not locate it. Deputies then said Domestic violence (DV) orders showed two individuals as protected parties and a protected address on E. Woodland Park Drive, where the driver suspect is banned from knowingly entering, remaining or going within 1000’ of the home.

At about 1:15 pm, a deputy observed the suspect driver of the black Colorado car, with the license plate listed on the alert, park in front of the protected address on Woodland Park Drive. A man matching Remington’s description got out of the truck and walked away as he looked back at the Deputy and fully marked patrol car.

The Deputy maintained a visual as other Deputies responded to assist due to Remining’s previous threat of a “gunfight” if law enforcement contacted him.

Deputies said the suspect walked south on Jenson Road; he looked back at the patrol car again. Knowing that assisting Deputies were close, the Deputy activated his emergency lights and approached Remington. The Deputy verbally confirmed the suspect’s name and advised that he was being detained. Deputies said the suspect paced back and forth and yelled in frustration.

When additional Deputies arrived, the man was given commands, which he followed, and was safely taken into custody.

The suspect was advised of his rights and admitted knowing he was not supposed to be within 1000’ of the protected residence.

The man was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for the felony DV order violation with an assault and three misdemeanor DV violence order violations.


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