Spokane Fire Department extinguish house fire that was set intentionally


SPOKANE, Wash. — Spokane Fire Department (SFD) crews extinguished a house fire near Kendall Yards on Monday afternoon that was set intentionally.

On Nov. 20 around 12:30 p.m., SFD responded to a house fire in the 2300 block of West Broadway Avenue. As 27 firefighters arrived on scene, they saw that the house was full of smoke.

Firefighters quickly contained the fire to prevent it from spreading to other areas of the home. During investigation, a team searched through the property and saw that the home had been vacant for an extended amount of time.

The home was unoccupied at the time of the fire, so no people or animals were at risk.

When the fire was extinguished, investigators were on scene to find the cause of the fire. Through evidence, they found that the home was set on fire intentionally by someone who entered the home through a boarded up entrance through the back.

The fire caused about $30,000 in damages.


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