Spokane Medical Examiner’s Office works to connect, educate students on career opportunities


SPOKANE, Wash. – Forensic pathology is an industry that isn’t often top of mind for students. The Spokane County Medical Examiner’s Office is working to change that through various community connections.

“We do outreach as young as seventh grade,” said Kate Sire.

Kate currently works as an autopsy assistant. A role that followed a learning opportunity she worked hard to pursue through Spokane County’s Medical Examiner, Dr. Veena Singh.

“I reached out a lot over three years,” she said. “Dr. Singh was willing to take a chance on me. She gave me a tour of the office, and I just talked her ear off asking questions.”

Sire asked if she could do a job shadow. Dr. Singh gave her a different opportunity.

“I was actually the office’s first intern,” she said. “I got to learn the jobs of the investigators and autopsy assistants.”

That internship evolved into her current position on the staff. Sire now works with the team to find students who could be good fits in the future.

“It’s hard to do what you don’t know is out there,” she said. “I don’t think this industry advertises career options. I didn’t know this was a career until I took a criminal justice course.”

In addition to the internship program, Dr. Singh also conducts tours with students and is generous with her time to answer their questions. Nonstop Local was there in the spring as she prepared final touches for a group of high school students who were coming by and then again over the summer as

The office has also just launched a new tab on their website specifically for students to reach out and build a connection.

“They can say what kind of experiences they are looking for with our office,” Sire said.

The tab also can help them get a rep from the office speak at their school.

Sire hopes it will inspire students to at least look into the career path. As for her, she says her ultimate goal now is to become a Forensic Pathologist like Dr. Singh.


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