Spokane Nordic Ski Association host Barkbeiner skijoring races


SPOKANE, Wash. – The Spokane Nordic Ski Association is holding its annual Barkbeiner skijoring races.

The event involves a skier being pulled by a dog with a variety of races and other events involved.

The ski event will have four races, the first being a two-dog or a one-dog 6.5k race.

The second is a junior 6.5k race for kids up to 16 years old.

The last will be a “guess your time” fun run 4.4k race for which each human and dog team guesses how long it’ll take for them to finish the course, with the winner being the closest guesser.

One dog can race in two different events, and the first event costs $20 with any following races costing an additional $10.

The event starts at noon on March 10.

More information can be found on the Spokane Nordic website.


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