Spokane police find probable cause of 2nd-degree assault by Sheriff’s Office Sergeant


SPOKANE, Wash.- An investigation by the Spokane Police Department has found probable cause of 2nd-degree assault by Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Clay Hilton, who allegedly beat a man for parking illegally last August.

Hilton was placed on administrative leave on Sept. 29, 2023 after Spokane County Sheriff John Nowels was notified of the alleged excessive use-of-force which took place on Aug. 14.

The man who sustained injuries from Hilton was parked at Terrace View Park and resting before finishing his planned drive to Colfax.

Hilton approached the man and told him that it was illegal to be parked in that area so late at night. When asked for identification, the man refused. The man was then allegedly arrested with excessive force, resulting in 8 shattered ribs and a punctured lung.

According to the victim’s attorneys, the Spokane County Jail refused to book the man for resisting arrest.

Hilton claims that he could smell marijuana emanating from the vehicle and that he saw a knife in the side door of the man’s vehicle.

The independent SPD investigation concluded that there is probable cause to charge Hilton with 2nd-degree assault. The Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office will now review the information collected by SPD to determine whether charges will be made.


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