Spokane police officer convicted of rape released from prison


SPOKANE, Wash. – A former Spokane Police Department officer who has served nearly seven years in prison for raping a colleague will be released on Tuesday.

Gordon Ennis was convicted of raping a fellow police officer at a Colbert house party on Oct. 25, 2015.

Court documents showed the victim, who was also a Spokane police officer, said she was intoxicated at the party and passed out. When she woke up, she found Ennis penetrating her with his fingers and heard him say something to the effect of “I gotta go, I gotta go home.”

Ennis turned himself in after investigators said he was tipped off about the allegations and destroyed evidence.

In court, Ennis testified that the victim was alert and conscious up to and during the alleged assault, which he maintained was consensual sex.

A jury went on to convict Ennis of second-degree rape and he was sentenced to 84 months in prison with credit for time served.

Information in his sentencing documents from August 2017 shows Ennis should have been released in March 2025. A Department of Corrections spokesperson said he would look into why Ennis was released earlier than that date.


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