Spokane Prosecutor’s Office clears police officers of 2022 shooting


SPOKANE, Wash. – The Spokane Prosecutor’s Office has determined that the two police officers involved in the 2022 police shooting were justified in the use of deadly force.

Spokane Independent Investigative Response team (SIIR) concluded its investigation on Jan. 4 and submitted its findings to the Spokane Prosecutor’s Office.

The office determined that officers Chris Johnson and Trevor Walker were justified in the use of deadly force while attempting to contact 41-year-old Robert Bradley to serve him a Court Order.

On Sept. 4, 2022, a complainant called SPD indicating a court order had been issued and needed to be served to their neighbor.

At 10 p.m. that same day, the neighbor had returned to the complainant’s home near Haven and Wabash. They mentioned that he was believed to have an AR-15-style rifle. Multiple officers responded to the scene.

The Spokane Prosecuting Office says that the officers approached, Bradley looked at the officers and immediately lunged into the van in an obvious attempt to seize a rifle, which was visible to the Officers.

Johnson shouted, “Spokane Police! Let me see both your hands!” Bradley failed to comply and continued to reach for the rifle. Both officers fired at him.

Though Bradley went to the ground, he pulled a handgun from a holster on his hip and pointed it at the officers which resulted in Officer Johnson firing again.

Officers quickly rendered first aid and transported the suspect to the hospital were he later died to his injuries.

The Office says “Under these facts and circumstances, the use of deadly force was authorized. Both officers were placed in fear for their lives and fired in defense of self and each other. Therefore, no charges will be filed against either officer in this incident.”

Both officers will not face any charges.


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