Spokane school zone speed cameras turn on after Labor Day


SPOKANE, Wash. – Spokane Public Schools first day back to class is next Tuesday, and with it comes eight speed cameras designed to slow traffic near schools.

The cameras will fine anyone going more than eight miles per hour over the speed limit, and Sergeant Teresa Fuller with the Spokane Police Department said this program works in preventing speeding.

“Of the people that receive a ticket and pay it, 90% of them never get another ticket or haven’t through the length of our program. So, it really is effective in doing its job,” Sergeant Fuller said.

For those who live in these school zones, like Milly Skutley, there is a noticeable difference once these cameras turn back on in the fall.

“It makes a lot of difference as you can see they do go fast, they are going pretty fast now. I do think having a light there is a really good reminder to slow down,” Skutley said.

The speed camera program has raised millions of dollars that go towards other traffic calming measures like protected crosswalks according to Fuller, but the department would be happy without ever giving any more of these speed camera tickets.

“I would be happy if we never gave out another ticket again.. Cause that would mean the cameras did their jobs,” Sergeant Fuller said.

The cameras turn on roughly 30 minutes before and after the school day depending on what school they are nearest to. Exact operation times for all of the speed cameras can be found here.


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