Spokane woman accused of killing father pleads guilty before attorney changes her plea


SPOKANE, Wash. – The woman who was arrested after admitting to police that she killed her father appeared in court, where she initially pleaded guilty before her attorney corrected her plea to not guilty.

Alyssa Bradburn, 31, appeared in front of a judge for a hearing after she admitted to police that she shot and killed her father and had been planning it for a month.

When the judge asked Bradburn what plea she would enter, she leaned into the microphone and said “guilty.”

Bradburn’s attorney reached over to the microphone and corrected her by saying to the judge, “No, Your Honor, she misspoke. She meant to say not guilty.”

In a look of confusion, Bradburn responded to the correction by simply replying, “Ok.”

The not guilty plea surprised Bradburn after she detailed to police that she had a written account of her confession and claimed that her father was abusive.

In her journal, she recalled her dad beating her and her dogs using a BB gun and even told police her father raped her as a child.

The Spokane County Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed that Timothy Bradburn, 68, died as a result of multiple gunshot wounds.

Alyssa Bradburn was found on the porch of her father’s home around 1 a.m. on June 25 after she called the police to report the shooting.

She claimed she understood she was going to jail and wanted to make the process easy.

“It’s the result. I killed someone, so you go to jail for that. He wasn’t trying to kill me at the time,” Bradburn said.

She is scheduled to appear back in court in August. She remains in Spokane County Jail on a $1,000,000 bond.


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