SRHD updates school guidelines for COVID-19 response

Containing the Coronavirus

SPOKANE, Wash. – The Spokane Regional Health District released an updated set of guidelines for schools regarding COVID-19 responses. The Mead School District has already adopted the measures into practice.

Of note, SRHD is adopting the DOH/CDC guidance on reduced isolation of COVID positive individuals to 5 days, so long as that person meets the following criteria on day 6 when returning to school:

No symptoms are present, or symptoms are resolving; ANDThey have been fever-free for the past 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications; ANDThat the person continues to wear a well-fitting mask around others until day 10.Testing can be done at day 5 or later, but if that test is positive, then the individual must isolate until day 10.

The other three major changes, according to a letter sent to Mead families today, address classroom, athletic, and home exposures:

Classroom Exposure

When a CLASSROOM reaches five cases in a 14-day period: Vaccinated students are eligible to enter the Test-to-Stay protocol and continue attending school.Students who have had a recent COVID infection in the last 90 days can continue to attend school without testing.Unvaccinated students who have NOT had COVID in the last 90 days are required to quarantine for five days with a test on Day 6 OR quarantine for 10 days if choosing not to test.Once a classroom has undergone this closure process, the case count toward a closure resets to zero upon return.

Athletic Exposure

When an ATHLETIC team in a high-risk sport (basketball, wrestling, cheer) reaches five cases in a 14-day period:No practices or competitions for five days for any unvaccinated athletes who have NOT had COVID in the last 90 days.If athletes are not vaccinated and their team is closed because of reaching the closure threshold, then they are not able to participate with their team for 5 days but can attend classes while participating in Test to Stay.If an athlete chooses not to test when a team reaches the closure threshold, they must quarantine for 10 days.

Household Exposure

If there is a positive case in the household: Irrespective of vaccination status, all school-age household members who have NOT had COVID in the last 90 days must quarantine at home for five days. Quarantine period begins on the last day of exposure. Household members must test on Day 6 to return, and must retest on Day 10.


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