Step to Remember honors the lives of first responders


SPOKANE, Wash. – People gathered today in Spokane to participate in a stair climb event honoring the emergency response teams of 9/11.

Participants had the opportunity to climb 110 flights of stairs, mirroring the efforts of first responders responding to the attacks.

Joey Beardslee, a student at Washington State University, took part in the “Step to Remember” fundraiser.

“I’m exhausted for sure; there’s sweat coming down my face for sure,” Beardslee said.

This annual fundraising event raises money for local emergency response teams and their families.

Matt Costello, event co-founder, emphasized the educational aspect of the event for younger generations who may not have been alive during 9/11.

“They are still coming out and participating. It gives them an understanding while they’re here, seeing cops and firefighters and understanding the impact,” Costello said.

Participants donated and climbed 2,071 steps to honor the first responders.

The event, now in its third year, started to commemorate those who responded on that tragic day 23 years ago.

Costello shared a personal connection, stating, “I lost a partner in the line of duty a few years ago, which is what kind of spun this whole thing up.”

Beardslee reflected on the significance, saying, “It makes me appreciate them more that they actually did this and were saving people’s lives.”

The event concluded at 8:00 p.m., featuring music, snacks, raffles, and emergency responders from across the Spokane area.

All funds raised will support families who have lost loved ones in the line of duty.


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