Stevens County Prosecuting Attorney responds to machete attack on office attorney


COLVILLE, Wash. – Stevens County Prosecuting Attorney Erika George responded Saturday to a machete attack on a prosecutor from her office.

The machete attack took place Friday afternoon about a block from the county court house A sheriff’s deputy later shot and killed a suspect accused of the attack.

Prosecutor Smitty Hagopian, who is currently running for Superior Court Judge, was the victim of the attack.

“All things considered, he is doing ok. He has a significant wound to his face, with a lot of stitches, but is recuperating at home,” George said.

George went on to say that her office will continue to seek criminal prosecutions regardless of intimidation.

“Yesterday was an incredibly tough day for the prosecutor’s office…I’m saddened by the events but inspired by the response of my entire team,” George said.

It is unclear whether law enforcement is investigating the attack on Hagopian as politically motivated.


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