Targeted thefts at Spokane Valley storage facility over weekend


SPOKANE VALLEY, Wash. – A storage unit at Argonne Montgomery Storage was targeted by thieves over the weekend, and the couple renting the unit is shocked and confused as to why the thieves only targeted their space.

“Thirteen years of our lives in there,” Howard Leffler, the storage unit renter, said.

Leffler and his fiancé, Kaleigh Bigarel, moved to an apartment in the Spokane-area and purchased a unit to store items, for the time-being, while they plan to buy a house.

They were shocked when alerted Sunday that their unit was targeted.

“They went straight to my unit. Knowing, or acting like they knew, something was in there,” Leffler said.

The thieves made off with their snowblower, two TVs, camping gear, boxes of vintage comics with sentimental value, artwork and more.

“We’re getting married in 2026. They even took our wedding arch,” Bigarel said.

The hardest loss was Leffler’s late-father’s Nascar collectibles.

“Stuff that was special to him that I kept. They took all that. That’s irreplaceable,” Leffler said.

The manager at Argonne Montgomery Storage told NonStop Local that the thieves cut holes through the fence and that is how they were able to get in and out with all of the big items.

The manager said one thief broke in Friday evening and stole property. Saturday morning, two thieves returned and stole more items. Then Sunday, one thief came back and was spotted by one of the private security guards. The thief was able to get away.

During the thefts, alarms did go off, according to the manager, and the private security guards did “respond” three times. However, they did not catch the thieves or spot that the unit had been broken into until Sunday morning.

Management added that they are increasing security around the facility. The last time a unit(s) was broken into was six to seven years ago, they said.

The couple told NonStop Local they have a renter’s insurance policy on their unit that covers $2500 of what was stolen.

However, they estimate $10,000 worth of their possessions were taken.

A police report was filed with the Spokane Valley Police Department.

NonStop Local contacted the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office and they are investigating the incident.


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