The positive influence of summer camps on children in Washington


COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – As schools begin to wrap up for the year, many parents are looking at options for childcare during the summer. That’s why Dart-Lo camp director Poppy White discussed why kids should sign up in the first place.

“Summer camp is a place for kids to unplug from the technical world,” said White. “Explore the natural world around them and connect with their peers. Summer camp teaches youth to try new things in a safe environment and builds social-emotional health.”

There are a lot of different activities for kids at summer camps, but it depends on which one they sign up for. Camp Sweyolakan on Lake Coeur d’Alene still has open spots, and they definitely have a lot for kids to do.

“Campers get to explore outdoor education through plant and animal track identification, orienteering, and a Leave No Trace philosophy,” said White. “They also get to participate in archery, low & high ropes, the giant swing, swimming, boating, handcrafts, songs, games, and hiking.”

White says at camp, kids can learn communication skills, team building, goal management, growth mindset, resilience, communal living, empathy, and compassion.

White says kids have so much fun at camp that they don’t want to leave.

“There is a lot of crying,” said White. “There are many hugs and promises to return. They’ve made new friends and found new mentors. They don’t want to leave that magic behind.”

White says kids’ favorite parts at camp are the connections they make and the relationships they build.

If you want to sign up for Camp Sweyolakan, click here.

Camp Dart-Lo is full, but Camp Spalding still has openings.


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