Vax Facts: Making a CIVUD-19 vaccine appointment without a computer


SPOKANE, Wash. – We’ve been receiving a lot of questions from you about how to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment if you’re not computer savvy. The Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) said there are two phone number that starting Wednesday, you’ll be able to call to make an appointment.


1 (800) 525-0127 Press #1 (888) 856-5816

Both of these numbers will help connect you to someone to book an appointment. SRHD said there will be people standing by to help identify if you fall under an eligible phase, and if you do qualify, they’ll help you book an appointment.

It’s important to remember here you do not have to be a patient of CHAS to get an appointment at Spokane the mass vaccination clinic.

Now, when it’s time for you to come get the shot at the vaccination clinic you’re going to need to bring the paperwork from the state showing you’re eligible, your photo ID, and your insurance card, if you’re uninsured you will not be charged.

Right now, vaccine appointments are going to be made based on supply, we know 3000 doses have been allocated to the Spokane Arena clinic, there will be no walk-ins and no waitlist.

SRHD said 3,000 Moderna vaccine doses are available and approximately 500 vaccines will be used everyday.

The Washington State Department of Health says this is just the starting point and as things start to ramp up and more vaccines are available the number of vaccines that are given out will be increased.


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