Vax Facts: Washington State to move into next phase of vaccine rollout in “coming days”


Washington State is speeding its timeline for the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, expected to start phase 1B in the “coming days”.

That’s according to the Washington State Department of Health, saying that phase 1B includes everyone 70 and older, and those age 50 and older in multigenerational households.

The Department of Health has set up a website called Phase Finder, to help you find out whether you qualify for the next phase.

Idaho is also working to speed up the rollout process. On Tuesday, Governor Brad Little announced updates on the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in Idaho.

Since mid-December, more than 33,000 long-term care facility staff and residents and healthcare workers have received vaccines.

“We plan to accelerate the pace while ensuring a sustainable cadence of vaccination moving forward,” Governor Little said.

Governor Little assured providers there are ample resources available to them to get vaccinations administered as quickly as possible.

Gov. Little also announced a new dashboard that can be found at Coronavirus.Idaho.Gov that will detail progress made on vaccine distribution across the state.


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