Washington gubernatorial candidates Ferguson and Reichert start burning through cash


OLYMPIA, Wash. – July is an for Washington political campaigns. gubernatorial candidates Bob Ferguson (D) and Dave Reichert (R) are rolling out advertisements and communications strategies to connect with voters.

Washington Public Disclosure Commission data shows that both Ferguson and Reichert have spent about $2 million in the race as of July 10.

While each candidate has spent roughly the same amount, Reichert’s campaign has received about $4 million less in contributions than Ferguson’s campaign.

Both campaign communications strategies have been largely negative, with Reichert trying to tie his opponent to crime and Ferguson attempting to cast his opponent as an ardent Trump supporter.

Scholarship on whether negative political advertising is efficacious is split, with some research suggesting it mobilizes voters and other studies showing the opposite.

Both Ferguson and Reichert are favored candidates in their respective parties, but challengers and impede their ability to treat moving ahead to the general election as a foregone conclusion.


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