Washington joins antitrust lawsuit alleging monopoly of smartphone market by Apple


OLYMPIA, Wash.-Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that Washington has joined an antitrust lawsuit against Apple for monopolizing the smartphone market.

Originally filed on March 21 in U.S. District Court in New Jersey, the antitrust lawsuit has since been joined by 20 Attorneys General from across the country.

Apple accused of monopolizing smartphone market in Justice Department lawsuit

The lawsuit alleges that Apple has an unlawful monopoly over the smartphone market and that it uses its power to hinder innovation, prevent the use of alternate non-apple apps and keeps prices high, according to a press release on Washington joining the lawsuit from the AG’s Office.

The antitrust lawsuit is asking the court to order Apple to stop undermining technologies that compete with its own apps, including streaming, messaging and digital payments.

The lawsuit also alleges that Apple works to protect its monopoly, prioritizing profits over security and privacy.

“Apple’s monopoly over smartphones pads its profits at the expense of users, developers and businesses,” said AG Ferguson. “Ending its illegal monopolization over smartphones will level the playing field for everyone.”

According to the AG’s Office, Assistant Attorney General Lumi Nodit will handle the lawsuit for Washington State.


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