Washington lawmakers respond to Trump vs. Biden debate


OLYMPIA, Wash. – President Joe Biden faced off against former President Donald Trump in the first debate of the 2024 election cycle Thursday. Washington lawmakers and candidates used the debate as a platform to tout their own policy positions and slam their political opponents.

Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Bob Ferguson (D) took aim at his Republican opponent Dave Reichert with a fake photoshopped image of Reichert in a Trump hat.

“When you watch Donald Trump in tonight’s debate, remember that he is Dave Reichert’s candidate for president. Anti-choice Republican Dave Reichert voted with Donald Trump 92.5% of the time and said, ‘I love Donald Trump’s policies… On policy, we’re aligned.’”

NonStop Local has reached out to the Reichert campaign for a response.

Senator Patty Murray (D) anticipated the debate with a tweet arguing that an additional Trump term would endanger healthcare rights.

“Donald Trump got us into this mess and absolute health care chaos by overturning Roe and no matter what he’s saying now, we know he will ban abortion nationwide—period,” Murray said via social media.

This is a developing story. Check back here for updates throughout Thursday night.


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