Washington State Auditor finds that state employee misappropriated nearly $900,000


OLYMPIA, Wash. – A Washington State Auditor procedural audit of the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) found that a management analyst misappropriated $875,000 from 2019 to 2023.

According to the auditor’s report, the unnamed analyst charged hundreds of thousands of dollars to an agency credit card. $860,000 of the charges were to four business names created by the analyst.

“There were no records available to show any business activity for them other than charging the Agency for no clear purpose,” the auditor’s report said.

No one else at OAH had access to the credit card activities or independent oversight of monthly payments according to the auditor’s report.

OAH responded by thanking the state auditor for the audit and committing to additional oversight of agency expenses, including requiring documentation support for credit card charges prior to purchases.

The name of the auditor was not released by the state auditor.


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