Washington state Democratic delegates and voters endorse VP Kamala Harris


SPOKANE, Wash. – Democratic voters and delegates are endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Presidential nominee one day after President Biden’s historic decision to withdraw from the 2024 election.

“It just kind of blew the lid off and now everyone is just openly saying how excited we are,” Joe Parry, the Membership Chair of the Spokane County Young Democrats (SCYD), said.

Parry emphasized with NonStop Local that many young Democrats feel “energized” when thinking about Harris.

“I think a lot of people are looking for new leadership to take over and lead the country and fight for the middle class of this country. So, I just feel like people are energized that we don’t have to do this same thing that we’ve been doing,” Miguel Valencia, a member of SCYD and a State Senate candidate, said.

Valencia and Parry told NonStop Local that they believe Harris can rally young Gen-Z or millennial Democrats due to her stances on a variety of issues, such as abortion or climate change.

Some elected national delegates for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Washington state share the same sentiments as Valencia and Parry.

Many DNC delegates across America have already endorsed Harris.

“Being that we as pledged Biden delegates… Being that we’re acting on behalf of them, and with Biden endorsing Kamala, I believe that gives us the support and reassurance to also follow in that. However, no one is forced to do anything,” Priya Osborne, a Congressional District 5 Elected Delegate, said.

To secure the Democratic Presidential nomination, Harris would need 1976 votes.

As of Monday, according to the Wall Street Journal, she has already secured 50% of delegates needed to win the nomination.


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