Washington State LGBTQ Commission condemns inspections of LGBTQ+ venues


OLYMPIA, Wash.- The Washington State LGBTQ Commission asserts that the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board should conduct a review of their enforcement practices following inspections of several LGBTQ+ bars.

Over the weekend of January 27 and 28, the City of Seattle Joint Enforcement Team, which conducts reviews of venues which serve alcohol, inspected several LGBTQ+ bars. These reviews yielded lewd conduct accusations at three clubs according to The Seattle Times. One accusation claimed that a bartender was wearing inappropriate clothing.

LGBTQ+ advocates argued that the inspections constituted a hostile intrusion which caused fear amongst queer Washingtonians. In a statement published on social media, civil rights advocate and columnist Dan Savage argued that the Liquor and Cannabis Board had discriminated against the LGBTQ+ community.

“Historically, raids have been used to persecute minoritized communities in their spaces,” Savage said.

The Washington State LGBTQ Commission, which was created during the 2019 Washington State legislative session and is meant to improve the state’s relationship with the queer community, condemned their fellow state entity’s actions in a Feb. 5 newsletter.

“The Commission stands with our community in feeling profoundly disappointed in these actions. It was important the [Liquor and Cannabis Board] acknowledge the fear, harm and trauma they caused to the LGBTQ+ community in Seattle and throughout Washington state,” the LGBT Commission said.

The newsletter called on the Liquor and Cannabis Board to conduct a review of their enforcement activity, and determine whether LGBTQ+ venues are disproportionately targeted in review efforts. The commission also stated that state enforcement agencies have a responsibility to build stronger relationships with the queer community.

The newsletter comes five days after Governor Jay Inslee appointed Sheri Sawyer, a former director of the governor’s policy team, as the Acting Director of the LGBT Commission.

While a weekend of inspections of LGBTQ+ venues continues to cause political fallout, the state is at odds with itself as to how to address the future of state relations with the queer community.


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