Whitman County farmers, project developers weigh in on proposed wind farm near Kamiak Butte


Whitman County, WA. – Emotions were high outside and inside the Whitman County Library this week as Steelhead Americas, an Oregon-based company, hosted an information meeting for everyone to come learn about their plans to build 45 wind turbines on private land west of Kamiak Butte and south of Washington State Route 272.

Inside the library, the Harvest Hills Wind Project lead developer, Shane Roche, said there are multiple ways that this benefits people living in the area.

“We are a steady source of income for landowners that provide weather proof income,” Shane said. “We also will be brining in millions of dollars of tax revenue creating hundreds of jobs during the construction period and multiple long term jobs throughout the term of the project.”

You can learn more about the Harvest Hills Wind Project by visiting www.harvesthillswind.com

Outside of Steelhead’s presentation Friday, William ‘Bill’ Myers was among people standing in front of the library holding a ‘NO WIND FARMS’ sign high for people passing to see his opposition to the project.

“I am vehemently opposed to wind power, I just see it as a scam,” Bill said. “Steelhead is a sales company…and it’s fueled on our tax dollars.”

The location chosen for these turbines is extra personal to Bill.

“I’m a fifth generation (Whitman) County farmer,” Bill asid. “I proposed to my wife on that mountain and it breaks my heart to see it defaced.”

Bill encouraged everyone against the addition of the turbines to sign the petition on www.savethepalouse.org

“We don’t know what we’re gonna do with those signatures other than show there are more than a few people in this county that are upset,” Bill said.

Kevin Akeson was among ‘NO WIND FARMS” sign holders.

“I’m from the Steptoe area,” Kevin said. “This project going forward is premature at this point and needs to be studied further with all the questions about economic impacts, impacts to agriculture, impacts to the community, impacts to tourism…there are a lot of things that need to be addressed that I don’t think have been properly studied.”

Shane Roche said Steelhead has been listening to the community and will continue to host informational meetings like Fridays and work to remain transparent with the public about the project.

“The number one concern we’ve heard is view shed,” Shane said. “View shed from Kamiak Butte, Steptoe Butte…and also other locations in the county.”

Shane said they hope to submit their application for the wind farm at the beginning of 2025.

“Whitman County doesn’t consume all the wheat it produces,” Shane added. “This is a I think a commodity that can help make Whitman County more prosperous.”


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