Why we don’t notice most of our goosebumps


By Stephen Beech via SWNS

Goosebumps occur far more frequently than people realize, according to new research.

Humans experience the sensation more often than they think – with many not even knowing they have them, say scientists.

A study led by Dr. Jonathon McPhetres, of Durham University, showed that people are not aware of when they experience goosebumps – or where they experience them on their bodies.

The findings, published in the journal Psychophysiology, come from research assessing when people get goosebumps, and whether they are aware they have them.

Participants in the study were asked to watch a range of positive video clips, including an America’s Got Talent audition and a heart-warming family advert, and press a button when they felt they had goosebumps.

Equipment simultaneously recorded their heart rate and skin temperature and observers monitored footage of the participants’ skin.

Participants were also asked to watch a video and then click on an image of the body to indicate where they thought goosebumps had appeared.

Most participants experienced goosebumps more often than they were aware of and only tended to pay attention to their forearms, with many not pressing their buttons despite goosebumps being visibly present.

Dr. McPhetres said: “While people might think they are aware of when they have goosebumps, our research shows this is often not the case.

“People can have goosebumps and be unaware of it, especially if they form away from the forearm area most associated with the phenomenon.”

He added: “For psychologists, this shows the limitations of relying on self-reporting in research as there is often a disconnect between what people experience physiologically and what they are aware of.”


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