Workforce Wednesday: Recruitment and Retention

2023-01-26 at 11-11-39 Workforce Wednesday Recruitment and Retention FOX 28 Spokane

WorkSource Spokane has a team dedicated to the support and success of local businesses. This teams business services consultants are skilled at assisting businesses with recruitment and retention needs. This articles highlights a few tips for improving your organizations recruitment and retention.


For businesses looking to build talent pools and hire, remember to cast a wide net. Don’t rely on a single job posting site. Incorporate social media, and various job posting sites, and remember to post on This free job posting board lets you search for candidates and can even make recommendations for you.

Recruitment Tip: When creating a job posting keep it concise.

Candidates want to know briefly what the job is, what the perks are and what they will get paid. A job posting serves to catch the attention of and draw in the right candidates. Once you’ve got the attention of candidates who match the skills and characteristics you are looking for, you can direct them to a site or link where they can learn more. Your job posting should include something about your company perks, opportunities, or values. The goal is to allow someone to know if they are interested in learning more and if they align with or are excited about the job or company. Too much information before a candidate knows if they are interested can be a deterrent, especially if you are competing with numerous other job postings.


It’s not just about hiring. Retaining employees is as important as hiring them. Companies find themselves constantly recruiting if they are not able to retain those they have hired.

Retention Tip: A key strategy to retaining employees is to know why people stay. Talk to employees that have stayed with the organization. Focus on why people stay as much as you focus on why people leave.

Knowing what is working that keeps good employees allows you to do more of this and helps you know what to highlight in job postings. And as always, ask for ways you can improve.

Recognition and Rewards

Remember to recognize and reward your employees. Recognition and rewards don’t have to be monetary, but find ways to recognize and reward employees that are meaningful to them.

Upskilling and Professional Development

Provide opportunities for growth, upskilling, and professional development. Keeping people long-term is improved when employees can continue to learn and grow. This may include tuition reimbursement, paying for training or certifications, or having clear career ladders for advancements. It can even start with something as simple as a “Lunch and Learn” or asking an employee what projects or skills they are not currently doing but would like the opportunity to learn and take on.

Work Schedules That Work

Do you provide hybrid and flex work schedules? Are your work schedules family-friendly and can accommodate the needs of working parents or caregivers? Childcare options are vital for working families. While not every organization can provide onsite childcare options there may be other ways your organization can support working families. Can your organization help offset the cost or have a connection with local child care to make it easier to find affordable care with schedules that match employees’ work schedules?

Listen First

There are many ways to help improve retention but they all come down to knowing what your employees need and want. Prioritize listening to your employees and finding ways to support them and let them know they are valued.

To learn more about recruitment, retention and other business-related information connect with Talent Solutions by WorkSource Spokane by visiting You can also click here to check out the Workforce Nerd Podcast where these topics are covered in more detail.